September and October have been pretty exciting! So far, Aunt Taylor moved in, Tim graduated ALS, Jenell went tinkle on the potty twice and added many new words to her vocabulary! :) Some of the words she's added are meow, baby, ball, (m)elmo, and papa. Here are some recent pictures.
Jenell checking out the pumpkins.
Tim and Jody W. (our partners in crime) We were on our way to go see Paranormal Activity. Not too scary but still not a great idea.. both us girls got motion sickness. LOL
Jenell playing with her sweet doll house daddy picked up for her at a yard sale.
Jenell holding Annie's hand
Annie and Jenell watching the rain
So clever... I did not put the gold fish in her stroller! She pushed them around with her and later used the goldfish box as a cupholer for her milk. Tim called it meals on wheels. :)
Jenell having fun @ Larry's produce