We've been having technical problems all over this house lately. The SAP (secondary audio programming) one I solved myself after many weeks unaware that there even was a problem.... No joke, I just thought we had a lot of Spanish channels... it drove me nuts every time I saw a show I wanted to watch and it was in Spanish! I was pondering purchasing Rosetta Stone when I realized the TV was set to SAP so any channels that had that option were in Spanish!!! Geesh..
And now, we've moved Tim's school stuff to the garage so he has his own little place to study and the router is not working. This comes after having Comcast come out twice and numerous phone calls to try to fix the PC in our bedroom's internet connection.. Well, they fixed it, but now the router doesn't work so Tim is spending Saturday at Starbucks using their Wi-Fi.. :( It's good, though, because I don't even have the option of distracting him! Apparently, something keeps happening with our IP address.. I don't know. So if anyone is tech savvy, I need you!
Also-- Jenell has always slept well on her back until this week! Now she alway ends up on her side, face in the mattress, horizontal, in the middle of the crib! No matter how much I reposition her, that's how she likes to be! I'm losing a little sleep over it, but she's not, so I guess we're okay..

We went to the Harvest Festival at First Christian last night and took our little Tigger with us! I should have taken a picture of the cute little tail... :) My sister-in-law gave the costume to us a few days before and it couldn't have worked out better since it was cold and rainy! Yay! (We've been sooo wanting some rain!) Tigger conked out about 30 minutes after we got there and only woke up for me to take off the suit. :) We had a nice time catching up with friends, making new ones, and of course..enjoying chili cheese dogs! Have a blessed weekend!
she looked cute on friday! can't go wrong with a kid in a tigger costume.
Watch out Tim. First your study area goes to the garage, then the next thing you know, you're building a shed in the backyard to house your personal library and "toys". In my case, I get it moved to the garage, to the shed...and, now, to a storage facility down the road. I think this is a rite of passage. But, hey, if that is what it takes to have room to enjoy your family, go for it. And, you have a great wife and daughter. L/ Kenn and Barb
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