Christmas Eve was rough, because our dog, Tatum's health took a turn for the worse. We'd seen the vet on the 23rd because among other things, she'd been lethargic and not eating and we made an appointment to go back and get her bloodwork done on the 3rd. On the 24th, we began noticing blood in her stool which got progressively worse- we ended up spending the evening in Cordelia at the emergency vet. ( which would not have been possible without the support of Grandma Sandy! Thank you!) After many hours, tests and tears, we were informed that she was in kidney failure and with lots of hospitalization and treatment we could lessen her pain for awhile. It would not have been a permanent solution, though and it would have cost an exorbitant amount of money- so we made the decision to have her put to sleep.
Tatum had lived with us a little over a year ( we got her right before we found out we were pregnant with Jenell) and we knew that we were her "retirement home" when we adopted her. She fit in like a part of the family from day one- she loved to laze on the couch, bark at dogs on the TV and get her tummy rubbed by everyone and anyone. Everywhere we went we got comments on how beautiful she was and how sweet and laid back she was. She stuck by me through Tim's deployment and even hobbled up into bed with me a few times when I heard "bumps in the night". We were so blessed to have her as part of our family and we will miss her dearly!
Tatum was such a sweet dog I know you will miss her a lot! I'm glad for the year you had with her and know you have a ton a great memories of your time with her! Love you guys a bunch!
i'm so sorry!
Sorry for your loss!
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