We went to a church in Vallejo today to go support our friend Michael who was giving the sermon. It was amazing, by the way. Tim, Cedric, Jenell and I drove up to this tiny little building and admittedly, I said, "This is it?" There was one car parked outside and I was sure we had gotten the address wrong. We called Michael just to check- yep. it was the place. :)
We walked in to the tiniest, little rundown building I've seen in a while. We were warmly greeted by all three people that were in the room and then we took our seats. While I was still wondering when everyone would start arriving, the service began. A man who was probably Tim's age went up and started singing a hymn while a woman played a tambourine. I didn't know the song, so I just closed my eyes and listened to the words-- it was something like "God will open up the windows of heaven and poor you out a blessing and (we already have so many blessings) that you won't have room to receive it". After a few songs, the other woman who was at the church stood up and started talking about all God has done in her life and just giving Him praise. She talked for maybe 5 or 10 minutes. I thought, "Wow. That's awesome. I wonder if someone stands up and does that every week?" Then, the other woman stood up and began telling us how much she loved God and that even if He cut her off right now, He'd still be worthy of all our praise. Steve said the same thing a few weeks ago. (Yes, I listen, Steve!) Then everyone in the room, stood up in turn to just praise God for what He's doing in their lives. And it didn't seem like anyone just felt pressured because other people were doing it. It seemed like every single person was just so excited to stand up and give Him glory! Tim and Cedric took a turn, too. It was sooo awesome.
More of Michael's family members filed in throughout the service and by the end there were probably about 10 people total. After he spoke, he gave people an opportunity to accept the Lord as their Savior and also to come up for prayer. (Silly me, I thought we thought that up!) I'm just joking, but I was surprised how similar it was to our "usual" church experience even though it was completely different. LOL Figure that one out. A woman went up for prayer and sat on a folding chair and everyone in the church made a circle around her and prayed over her. God was present with us. I knew for sure.
The people we met today had such a genuine, out loud love for God, I was blown away. One, by my own assumptions being absolutely totally wrong- and two- by the way they treated us as their brothers and sisters in Christ from the moment we walked in the door- no questions asked.
So much of what I experienced today was the same stuff I love about FCC. Genuine people just loving God and loving you. I just really underestimated God and He showed be how BIG He is even in tiny places.
Beautiful observations beautifully conveyed! Thanks for sharing your treasured insight. Also, thanks for blessing my kids and I with a delicious dinner tonight. We all loved it! Meant a lot.
Very, very well stated observations! He will meet us wherever we are. Just one of millions of awesome things about our Lord. What a plan!
Isn't it awesome how God loves to meet us in the most humble of places... a lonely beside at 3:00 am, a little old church, a manger...
Don't you just love how our God is not One desiring particular status of us, but one who will meet with us in the most quiet of hours.
It's not the home that makes us a family, it's the love and purpose we share.
Thanks for sharing your story, I enjoyed it!
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