We went camping for four days at Coloma with the Williamsons. This is the campsite where we spent our honeymoon and a few times when we still lived in Cameron Park. We had so much fun! We got a campsite right on the water and the kids just ran around enjoying nature. We ate better than we do at home (french toast, pancakes, sausage, bacon, Fajitas, steak kabobs, breakfast burritos, strawberry margaritas) and took many lazy naps by the river or in the tent. We went tubing, swimming, fishing and made lots of memories! We are so blessed to have friends that love camping like we do! Enjoy the zillions of pictures! :) PS- All the amazing pictures were taken by Jody!

Oliver fell asleep reading books
Jenell and Annie
Jenell and Annie
Happy Annie!
Jenell and Oliver reading books
Silly Annie
Jenell and Daddy
Half of our campsite
Jenell and Daddy taking a water break!
Oliver and his Daddy on the way to the river
Oliver and his daddy in the raft
Oliver playing in "our" cove
Everyone relaxing in the cove
Oliver exploring
Daddy and Jenell
Jody, Annie and Tim W.
The two Tim's coming down the river
My Tim lost a shoe..!
Tim W. making a splash
Tim W.
My Tim after the "rescue crew" brought his shoe back!
The raft that brought the shoe back to Tim!
Jenell being sweet to Annie
Jenell loves Miss Jody!
Happy Girl!
Oliver pushing the stroller
Oliver and Jenell having a serious talk
Annie eating goldfish with her Daddy
Annie and Oliver
Daddy and his two kiddos working together
Movie Star. :)
Mommy and Jenell
At the pool
Playin' some tunes...
Oliver doing a silly dance!
Tim W. playing his guitar and relaxing at the campsite
Oliver being silly in Jenell's glasses
Oliver giving Jenell a hug. How sweet is this picture?
Oliver munching some goldfish
Jenell reading her book. :)
I love this picture of Oliver!
Sweet baby. :)
Jenell with her loving, attentive parents. :) See us? LOL
Jenell reading her oops book.
Oliver being cute. :)
Enjoying fajitas!
Jenell not so happy in the bath
Oliver loving the bath!
Jenell loves Tim and Jody. :)
My Tim with all the kiddos. :)
Tim W. snoozing
Jody and Oliver at the pool
Tim W. and Annie
Jody and Oliver
Oliver swimming to his mommy and sister!
Oops, how did that Tim get in there?LOL
There's the right Tim!
The Williamsons
The river when the dam was closed... boo.
Jenell is so cool... LOL
Our campsite
Another view of our campsite
Trying to get in there
Ahhhh! I made it!
Time to try and get out..
Still trying...
Almsot there....
Yes! I did it!
Jenell and Oliver
Oliver being a sweetie and helping Jenell open it
The Williamsons reading as a family
Daddy and Jenell
Me giving Annie some well-deserved kisses!
Oliver on his "singing rock" sooooo cute.
Oliver singing zipedeedodah!!!
"Happy Birthday to Meeeeee!"
Oliver in his hat
Jody and Annie
Tim and Jody coming down the river after they went over the rapids that even people in big rafts were avoiding! :)
Tim and Jody
looks like such a blast!
Hey!! You look like you're losing weight, girly! Jenell is so cute.. i love her little toothy grin. Looks like that ducky inflatable tub was a good investment.. it makes its way into many of your photos... :) I love your little family
Awesome blog Jaycee. I feel famous for appearing in your blog! =) you found all the best pics to put up. We love you guys and had a blast camping. When are we doing it again???
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