We say it every year, but I can't believe how quickly this year has flown by! Jenell just had her second Halloween and is about to have her second Christmas! What?! I don't really feel like blogging extensively so I'll just give you a few snapshots from our last week.

This little ducky wanted in the water fountain SO badly @ the hospital. She really got into character! :)

Ducky and Aunt Tay Tay

Taylor and her new car!


My brother, sister-in-law and neice with their beautiful picture from Nana Sue

Jenell is waaaay too big for one of these, but Uncle Kyle checked the weight limit and she was okay so he put her in as a joke and she LOVED it! Hahaha! She didn't want out! Here Uncle Kyle is enjoying some feet-za!

Annie, Jody, Oliver and Tim W.

Alice, Uncle Tim and cousin Jenell

Alice and Aunt Jaycee

Jenell being silly with Uncle Kyle


Alice and her mommy talking a walk. :)

Aunt Tay Tay and Jenell playing their favorite game in the car

Can you guess what she was for Halloween?

Jenell and Olive kissing again. Are you surpised?
Daddy and Ducky
Ducky and Mommy
We love the little ducky! haha. Oh and side note: that wrap your friend had her baby in- i can make those. let me know if you want one!
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