Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone's enjoying this Christmas season! I know we are! Tim is out of school for the next 4 weeks- awesome! Jenell is getting HUGE (as you can see) and we're not getting any smaller, either.

Oh-before I forget...LOL I wanted to blog this weeks ago.. we had a "bird" living somewhere in our home for about 2 weeks and we would hear it chirp every so often.. We figured since it wasn't dead after two weeks, it probably wasn't stuck somewhere in a vent or something where it couldn't get food... LOL One night, when Tim and Jenell were asleep, I decided to follow the noise... it led me to our coat closet- which happens to also be where we store our board games. Turns out our sweet little birdy was CatchPhrase turned upside down sitting on one of it's buttons.. so every once in a while it would "chirp"... :)

We're making a trip to Davis for my cousin's baby shower/housewarming on Saturday and then heading with my brother and his wife to Grandma Jenell's for an early Christmas in Shingle Springs. Both Tim and Jenell are sick right now so I'm praying we are ALL well on Saturday! :)

Here are some pictures from the last few weeks! Jenell is officially six months old now! :) It's happening so fast! ( Sorry for any typos... I'm rushing @ the library) ;)

Silly girl playing with her stocking

Can you even believe her?

Drinking "wa-wa" from the cup... it doesn't always look this pretty..

Yay for mixed vegetables!

I love her gummy, orange smile.

Being a sweetie in her silly outfit. It was COLD outside!

Giving everyone a big hug in the cute outfit that Great-Grandma Maybelle made for her.

She would have the other limbs out, too if it were possible. (SleepSack)

At the Paluck's Christmas party having too much fun!


Nicholle said...

Too funny with the catch phrase!! Glad you discovered the noise. It would have driven me NUTS!!

Jenell is ADORABLE!!!!

jeramy sossaman said...

super cute!